Width: 1/2 to 1″
Length: 115 feet
Our gorgeous Recycled Silk Chiffon Ribbon Balls are handcrafted from repurposed chiffon scraps which have been sewn and sometimes knotted together. The ends of garments (otherwise headed for a landfill) are recuperated, cut, and connected to create one continuous chiffon ribbon Skein.
Recycled chiffon silk is a delicate, ethereal fibre with interesting material variation throughout each ball. Some sections offer a softer, crepe-like silk with voluminous folds; while other sections are smooth and flat. There’s a vintage, timeless quality built into this wonderful fibre.
The intention and appeal of recycled chiffon is its non-uniformity and raw, frayed edging. Each ball (and section of ball) will differ from the last and sometimes surprises are to be found throughout: stitching, threading, and discolouration. While each ball is stitched into a continuous ribbon, please note that in some instances, stitching can come undone and sections of ribbon will separate.
I’ve dyed these ribbons with a mix of conventional and botanical dyes (which is to say with natural extracts and elements from nature). They have been hung to dry and then twisted into skeins—all a labour of love that I perform in my home studio on Vancouver Island.
Natural dyes yield colours that are gorgeous, unique, intricate, and variegated. “Nature’s Ombre” is how I’ve come to think of the results of botanical dyeing. I’ve used a mixture of indigos, myrobalan, quebracho, pomegranate, lac, logwood, cutch, walnut, and madder, marigold, rhubarb, and pomegranate to achieve these shades.
Botanical dyes create variable colours—and even variable textures. They have speckles, and spots, and an unparalleled marbling effect, along with natural variegation and unevenness in tones. The images in this listing attempt an accurate range of these variations and it’s important to note that every single skein is uniquely beautiful, and even a work of art unto itself.
Perfect for:
wedding bouquets
wedding invitations
gift wrapping
holiday decorations
decorative mantles
Christmas tree wraps